--------------- 21-10-2020, 10:45:19 --------------- | DC v1.0.0 alpha Rev. 9560 -- x86_64-Win64-win32/win64 | Windows 10 2004 x86_64 | PID 15188 Unhandled exception: EAccessViolation: Access violation Stack trace: $00007FF69F5DAE48 in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69F9A1097 line 199, column 30 of udetectstr.pas in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69F9A0D5D line 163, column 14 of udetectstr.pas in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69F98412F line 447, column 20 of uwlxmodule.pas in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69FA4F7C3 line 1348, column 36 of fviewer.pas in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69FA4C436 line 688, column 8 of fviewer.pas in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69FA4CA59 line 768, column 36 of fviewer.pas in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69FA4B9CE line 520, column 3 of fviewer.pas in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69FA45355 line 331, column 7 of ushowform.pas in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69F8B5C6A line 1969, column 9 of umaincommands.pas in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69F8C16C7 line 228, column 7 of uformcommands.pas in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69F9770FA line 1225, column 77 of uhotkeymanager.pas in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69F977433 line 1325, column 11 of uhotkeymanager.pas in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69F7553A4 line 5674, column 25 of include/wincontrol.inc in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69F7553FE line 5684, column 14 of include/wincontrol.inc in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69F755701 line 5815, column 7 of include/wincontrol.inc in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe $00007FF69F755645 line 5796, column 14 of include/wincontrol.inc in C:\DoubleCmd\doublecmd.exe