--------------- 17-01-2018, 13:29:03 --------------- | DC v0.8.1 beta Rev. 7950M -- x86_64-Win64-win32/win64 | Windows 8.1 x86_64 | PID 5936 Unhandled exception: EAccessViolation: Access violation Stack trace: $0000000100025DCB in C:\Program Files\Double Commander\doublecmd.exe $0000000100025EF6 in C:\Program Files\Double Commander\doublecmd.exe $00000001003DCD48 line 953, column 36 of fileviews/ufileviewworker.pas in C:\Program Files\Double Commander\doublecmd.exe $00000001003DB26D line 341, column 9 of fileviews/ufileviewworker.pas in C:\Program Files\Double Commander\doublecmd.exe $00000001003DB2D0 line 354, column 3 of fileviews/ufileviewworker.pas in C:\Program Files\Double Commander\doublecmd.exe $00000001003E177C line 155, column 17 of ufunctionthread.pas in C:\Program Files\Double Commander\doublecmd.exe $00000001000257AD in C:\Program Files\Double Commander\doublecmd.exe $0000000100003B96 line 227, column 1 of doublecmd.lpr in C:\Program Files\Double Commander\doublecmd.exe $00000001000150F7 in C:\Program Files\Double Commander\doublecmd.exe $00007FFF753713D2 in C:\Windows\system32\KERNEL32.DLL $00007FFF757E54F4 in C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll