Released 2016-12-24
  • 0001255: [File operations] It's not possible to read some files (file names) from FTP destination . (Alexx2000)
  • 0001073: [Default] Start exe from command line should not inherit cashed PATH variable (Alexx2000)
  • 0000859: [File operations] Moving directory does not preserve the directory timestamps (Alexx2000)
  • 0001606: [Graphical user interface] Search dialog doesn't find anything if it's shown for the first time (Alexx2000)
  • 0001616: [Graphical user interface] После повторного выбора вида "Эскизы" переключается на "Подробный" (Alexx2000)
  • 0001653: [File operations] After cancelling extraction from paused state, the partially extracted file is locked, and thus cannot be deleted or overwritten (Alexx2000)
  • 0001655: [File operations] After cancelling rar unpacking, the .rar file remains locked (Alexx2000)
  • 0001668: [Default] Double commander causes Dual-GPU MacBook Pro to switch to high-performance graphics (Alexx2000)
8 issues View Issues